Business United
- Up&Running
Up&Running is an extra module what is an extension for the existing automated cash register systems used within the hospitality branch. - Cetivo
Introduces a new and innovative method of communication between clients and their customers.
For more information visit us at www.cetivo.com. - Agile Doc
Agile Doc is a tool to reduce the cost of providing documentations by proving good collaboration and process quality control and decrease the change of future defects in software. - TradeSpace
A web application that can replace traditional means of communication between retailers and customers.
LifeWare is a business unit where four product teams work together to establish a productive working environment. This working environment is crucial for our success. Within the LifeWare business unit no compromises are done. All product teams work hard to achieve maximum quality products. The product teams are helpful to each other by providing support and feedback.
- Qash
Qash is a web-based analytical tool for managing your bank accounts and bank transactions. It is a free online service, targeted at the dutch consumer market. Using this tool one is able to import bank transactions, categorize transactions
(tagging) and create analytical and graphical overviews. - DeliPlan
DeliPlan is a Transport Delivery System using advanced algorithms to calculate optimal routes. - Mercury Contact System
This product aims at providing to a small or medium company the possibility to contact in an automatic or semi-automatic way, several costumers at a time. - StockManagement
This product concerns stock management with an online shop for small business to business sales. It provides the user insight in their stock and sales. It offers the opportunity to shift traditional sales to online sales by creating a web shop.