Netherware – ICT incubator for students


Deputy Minister for Economic Economic Affairs Visit

On the 13th of November the Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs, Mrs. Karien van Gennip, visited the Board of Utrecht University for a meeting on science based entrepreneurship. During this meeting Sjaak Brinkkemper gave a presentation on the educational concept of Netherware and on the current state of affairs in the incubator. Two student entrepreneurs, Wilco van Duinkerken of SoundCream and IJsbrand Oudshoorn of Eitri, gave a short presentation on their experiences with building a company during their studies. Thereafter the delegation of the Ministry of Economic Affairs discussed with the students about the pros and cons of establishing a company while being a student. IJsbrand Oudshoorn put forward the constraining rules of the Informatie Beheer Groep for student entrepreneurs, on which the Deputy Minister promised to discuss this with her colleague of the Ministry of Education and Sciences. Please find her complimentary letter here. [2006-12-04]