Business Unit Mobilis

Did you ever wonder where you can get a cheap drink right now? We can help. Our product will be a location based web application that gives directions to the closest bars offering specials or happy hours. It will allow bars to spontaneously create new specials and push them to all users of the application, thus giving them the ability to boost the numbers of customers on-demand.
A lot of things on a to do list are related to a location. Your groceries to buy at the supermarket are not relevant when you are at your work but only when you are at the supermarket. The idea of the application that it alerts a user when he or she is nearby a location where an item from his/her own to do list can be completed. Logestion can be divided in two parts: active reminders for priority tasks/information and passive suggestions for less important things. The suggestions in the passive part of the application are also based on the current location of the user.
The aim Site2Mobile is to provide services that can create native mobile applications and mobile web sites from regular websites, feeds and raw data (Xml, Json, Video, etc.). This project will give companies the opportunity to rapidly deploy their websites and services for mobile use.
Today, many people in modern businesses have agendas filled to the brim with tasks they have to perform and important things they have to remember to do. Tasks related to certain activities are not always apparent when in a hurry and agendas do not help when planning these activities. This is where suggestive planning makes a wonderful addition to a busy life. The suggestive planner proposes helpful additions to a user’s agenda based on the content and tasks of both the user’s own agenda, as well as those of his user group. Through suggestive planner suggestions the user will be able to rapidly and accurately schedule appointments and intuitively plan the tasks related to these appointments, from business presentations, to grocery shopping, all consolidated in a single straightforward scheduling system.
Stigma Application
One step location broadcasting. This is a connection between end-users having a direction (From & To user). This way privacy is insured and it does not require an active internet connection to be used. This can work on the already established platform for SMS as well as the MMS for further information/features implementation. For the application to work it is required that both participants posses a copy of the application locally (on their mobile device). By the use of the application one user can broadcast his position to another user in one step, while at the same time ensuring the security of this transmission and interoperability as it is not dependent on internet connection or other factors than just battery life, mobile network coverage and GPS coverage of the sender, additionally we could say that network coverage of the recipient is considered to be valid at all times.
Business Unit CUBB

A referral campaign helps your business access your customers’ network, e.g. if you have 100 customers and each of them knows 100 people, accessing your customers’ network gives you a potential reach of 10,000 people of which 9,900 are more open to your business because they were referred to you by somebody they trust. Conversion rates from these so-called ‘hot’ leads are generally much higher than when your leads have never heard of your business before. 12Refer is a web application that provides a complete set of tools to set up and monitor your referral campaign. It lets you start a new campaign, it lets your customers send e-mails to the people they want to refer your product to and it keeps track of these referrals. All in one quick, fast and easily customizable web interface.
Fashion Score
Imagine you have a hot date. What are you going to wear? Are you browsing through your wardrobe, realizing that you don’t have anything that looks even remotely nice? Imagine your have an important job interview. The dress code is business. But what is business nowadays? How long is your skirt supposed to be? How do you properly wear a tie?
Fashion Score is here to help! Whenever someone has second thoughts about a piece of clothing in a store, or when someone just doesn’t know what to wear, there is now an easy solution! Fashion Score is a website on which people can upload pictures of the outfits they are trying on in stores or when they are trying to mix and match outfits in their own wardrobe. A customized advice from friends, experts or any fashion interested person will be generated within a short time..
OnderzoekNU combines two solutions in a clever way. First, the Online Research Market Place (ORMP) is offered to researchers and participants. This makes participating in research easier, for research projects are now easily accessible and available to everyone interested in research and who wants to earn easy money. In order to be able participating in these projects, participants fill in their personal profile. Participants will be encouraged to complete their profiles by using several incentives. ORMP will result in a large pool of participants, so that the second solution, the Online Survey Management Tool (OSMT), can be pursued. With the OSMT, surveys can be created and immediately be sent to our large and diverse pool of participants. Ideal for performing small to big marketing research on new products or features!
In a lot of different learning processes, teaching is offered by small locale institutes. These institutes often do not have the capability to market themselves through the Internet. Advertising and customer acquiring is mostly done by personal communication. Promotico is a platform for keeping track of the progress of learning objectives. This platform can very easily be instantiated to virtually any domain. Promotico connects students with teaching institutes by locating a reliable, nearby teaching institute. By keeping track of the learning progress the students feel more involved in the process, which will manifest in better results and a better learning experience. Teaching institutes will experience a more pleasant interaction with students because of the increased student involvement in the learning process. http://www.promotico.nl
Business Unit BeOne

We believe that people love animals. Whether they are our pets, animals from the jungle, or simply the characters from Madagascar, we feel something for them – some do feel more, some less, but still there is a certain level of affection. How about spending more time with your animal? Or playing and acting like it? How about communicating on his behalf? We want to create FellowPet. Yes, it is a social network that changes the way people spend their time and play with their pets. Even more, you can show everyone how adorable your pet is and how much you love it!
Group Purchasing Management Platform
When people are looking for products or services they always try to find the best offers on the market. Sometimes it is difficult, because the current offers don’t cover customers’ needs . The reason for that is the poor connection between the business and the customers. Group Purchasing Management Platform proposes a new way for online shopping. It will give the customers the ability to ask the business for products and services they want, with the quality and quantity parameters they require. What is more GPMP will give the business data about the market situation and the customers’ demand.
There are many websites to track which movies you have seen. But there are none to track which theater shows you have seen! At this website the users can track which shows they have seen, when they have seen it, where they have seen it and rate it. Share their shows with friends an get notified when friends see a new show. Which gives producers, actors and theaters an opportunity to see what the real consumers think of them and manage their information available on the website.
By putting all courses into one place this service aims to make it easier for students to compose their study plan. The service leverages other student’s study plans and experiences in order to propose relevant/interesting courses. The main objective is to provide students with a service, which they can use to easily find courses, course information and course ratings/reviews provided by students who participated in the courses in previous years.