Business Unit Possimpible

Left to right: Ivan, Jeroen, Conrad, Darrel, Eric, Lianne, Floor, Hugo, Garm, Joost and Thijs
Information Security Assist Tool
The information security assist tool is a Business application supporting firms with their information security and certification needs, bringing transparency in the current state of information security and ease the process towards complying with regulations and standards.
In recent years the field of information security has been a hot topic, and governments are increasingly requesting organizations to comply to regulations. Becoming compliant to these standards can however be highly complex. This is especially the case for medium sized organizations that do not have specific risk management departments. The Information security assist tool addresses these problems and provides an easy way for non-professionals to address their organization’s security and compliance needs.

We envision a healthcare sector where compliance to medical guidelines leads to increased patient safety and efficient medical procedures, that reduce the overall healthcare cost.
CompliMadE is a complete medical procedure assessment and management solution. It consists of a mobile app that provides medical professionals with an easy to use checklist that they fill in when doing different medical procedures. The medical app is the front end to the CompliMadE solution. The app can be integrated with various hospital information systems. The CompliMadE measures, analyzes and evaluates all data filled in from the medical app and provides in-depth analytics of key aspects of different medical procedures.

At Frapp.it we believe in automatically analyzing everything around us. In the world of tomorrow everyone will carry personal devices, aware of every single object you interact with on a given day. We are the company that gathers this data and extracts the analytics of the world. Frapp.it is the first step in this direction, focused on one niche: promotional t-shirts. Their high popularity, uniform nature and distinctive graphics make t-shirts particularly suited for automated detection. Unfortunately, the average individual does not yet wear a device that is recording their every step. As such, we have created a platform that will motivate our members to both wear a promotional shirt and take photographs of themselves wearing it, slowly generating our first data-treasure. For the first time in history, our advertising customers can access important insights based on accurate data. Who actually wears promotional merchandise, where in the world, at what time and with whom is no longer a million dollar question.
Identity layer

Text Coming Soon (?)

We envisioned the Community Portal as the central medium used by locals to find interesting places and interact with each other. Our portal will be the first source of relevant information community members think of when they want to discover new locations in their neighborhood or desire to interact with their neighbors.
We are offering the community a product that enables its members to easily interact with each other and to connect them with local organizations and places of interest. The platform contains among others, an event section, a places section, an advertisement section, a weather section and a messages section. The event section shows the community members local events, such as local theater shows and other activities. The community member can browse through all of these events and activities to see the ticket price, description, and the locations of events. The community portal even shows the route to the event. Additionally, local advertisements are displayed on the screen, which is an ideal opportunity for local companies to introduce themselves to their immediate target groups. The message section enables users to easily and quickly interact with other community members, which makes the portal an essential component of its members’ lifes.
Business Unit Rock-It
- AgilePlus
- One of the core concepts of agile development is that the board which holds all the user stories should be physical and the user stories itself should also be hardcopy.
- The problem is that for every sprint the team must make new hardcopy user stories, write them by hand, place them on the board, update them by hand and remove it physically when the user story is completed. This traditional way of working with an agile storyboard is not efficient in terms of for example the time that is being spent on it. In the modern era of efficient processes, real time updating, progress tracking and working while on the road there is a need to make a digitized version of the agile storyboard.
- AgilePlus is a digital, browser independent, multi-tenant version of the agile storyboard. This digital version has all the basic functionality of the physical version along with the many benefits that come with making it digital, which are described in the next paragraph.
- Mission
“It is AgilePlus’ mission to improve customers’ software development operations with world-class, agile development software which allows organizations to perform their business with greater efficiency and flexibility.” - Vision
“AgilePlus’ vision is that agile development is the most successful development method available and should be supported in the best possible way. It is for that purpose, that AgilePlus engaged itself in developing world class software that answers current enterprise needs.”
- FYCompetition Netherlands is a young entrepreneurial company founded by four students of the University of Utrecht in a partnership with FYCompetition Portugal. FYCompetition is s a web-based tool to support strategic decisions that strongly depend on information regarding the competitive context in which organizations operate. On the one hand, the tool may be used to collect and monitor information about marketing campaigns, new services and products launched and performance on websites that rank competitors (for example, Tripadivor for hotels). On the other hand, FYCompetition may be used to keep clients updated on changes in the organizations that horizontally influence their competitive context (for example, new partnership opportunities for car dealers).
- The term business intelligence was first coined in 1985, it described the relation of facts to support business decisions. With the information gathered from a number of sources within and outside the company, the management could make better informed decision about the future of the company. In 2002 the first mention of the term Product Intelligence was made. This described a system of gathering and analyzing the performance of a product. Now our product is the first of a new type of intelligence systems, the Software product intelligence system. With Granavis we can measure, combine and analyze the performance and use of a software product in use at customers. With this information we can support the decision making process for product managers, provide performance reports to developers and UI maps to UI designers. Helping them to identify usage patterns and problems, allows them to make their software more efficient and user friendly. The company benefits from reduced software maintenance costs and better software quality by their customer. Granadilla does this through providing understandable usage and error visualizations, created especially for software usage analysis.
- StatMagic
- StatMagic deals in information created from data. This is also what separates us from our competitors. As the need for data and information grows, both in the corporate and public sector, numerous companies have jumped into this new market. Gathering and offering data for use by their customers. As our ability to mine and retain data grows however, it becomes more and more difficult for companies to glean information from this, especially if its not their core business. StatMagic meets this need by selling access to information instead of data. While we could be compared with existing companies gathering “Big Data”, we are different in that our calculation engine, accessed through our StatAPI, offers the client ready made informative calculations and facts. In short, instead of burying our clients beneath gigabytes of data, they just get what they need, when they need it.
- Our technology harvests data from various publicly available sources, this is then combined in our database according to our flexible data model. Our business engine takes this data and turns it into the information requested from us by our customers. Our product is easily integrated into our customers systems through the use of our API, which comes with clear documentation. If additional assistance is required we can provide an integration consultant with deep knowledge of our API to work with our customers IT division in the implementation of our software.
- Now what does our product currently offer? Our database is ever growing, with new statistics and new calculations. Currently, we offer our customers an in-depth view of crime development over the last 5 years, down to the zip code level. What this means is that we can give each zip code a “security rating”, compared to national, provincial or municipal averages. It also means we can offer growth rates, risk sectors and neighbouring risks.
- Aside from our business offerings, we also offer the public tools based on our technology. This is to give everyone a taste of the power of statistics, and showcase the versatility of our offerings. Because a large part of our data also comes from public sources, we also believe it is only fair to give something back to the community. Our first publicly available tool will be VeiligParkeren, an app that shows the dangers of parking your car in Dutch neighborhoods based on zip code and current location.
- AssIT
- ASSIT Management is a tool for the financial asset management market. The tool supports asset managers by generating advice for their customers. Using these advices asset managers can manage their clients’ portfolio in a quick and efficient manner. Nowadays the majority of the advice processes is done manually or connections between existing pieces of software don’t exist, thus requiring manually actions. ASSIT Management will automate all required steps for financial asset managers. ASSIT’s goal is to offer a supportive platform for the entire lifecycle of the financial asset management process, which supports taking quick, strategic decisions.