Business Unit l: GREEN SHARKS

Desk workers should take breaks and reduce their stress level in order to increase their overall effectiveness and productivity and avoid negative health outcomes associated with excessive computer use, such as Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs). WorkGuard helps potential RSI affected desk workers to develop effective and healthy work habits by providing users insight into their work behaviour. WorkGuard displays a window sitting at the corner of the computer screen and shows the time that the user has been working since their last break, the total time worked in the day and the work intensity based on the keyboard and mouse use. In the bottom of the window lies an indicator that reacts to the user’s work behaviour, a sort of virtual pet. Whereas traditional anti RSI software products force users to take breaks, WorkGuard primarily confronts users with their behaviour. The philosophy is that users will make their own decisions based on the information and hints from WorkGuard. The software will be highly configurable providing a high grade of personalization of the user interface and will have an across-platform feature to help track of the computer use in different devices and different situations.

Skydreamer wants to amplify a tendency that is manifesting in young people’s travelling habits. Like Tinder amplified the behaviour of “easy-dating”, a tendency just a limited portion of young people had openly adopted before, converting it into a popular, highly addictive behaviour. SkyDreamer will amplify the behaviour of going on a trip without thoroughly planning it: just booking a cheap flight to a destination because the pictures, videos, potential activities or the companions are extremely attractive. The central objective of the company is to build a community of travellers that can make use of the app to better connect with each other, organize their trip and even improve the frequency of their travels. Instead of being the passive consumers of the products offered by the travel agencies, travellers are going to become first actors in offering new destinations and activities targeting the audience they know better.

You are a passionate music listener enjoying record digging having troubles spotting shops which meet your taste?
You are tired of overpriced aftermarkets to get the records you are actually looking for quite a while?
Discovery is here for you to give you a hand on that.
Discovery is going to enable the passionate listener to find record shops all over the place including an indication if those shops house records the listener desires. Furthermore, record shops would have the possibility to claim and manage their inventory within the software product Discovery itself and therefore attracts potential customers to their shops.

Q’Cloak provides secure, innovative, paperless solutions for cloakroom management by using a fingerprint scanner. The primary idea behind the product is to create a fingerprint scanning system for streamlining cloakroom accesses, to help venues manage and organize the cloakroom aspect of their operations. The current system of depositing and collecting coats at nightclubs, museums and other public places is cumbersome, involving a middleman or “cloakroom operator” and involving paper or some other tokens. Apart from the above steps, there is the hassle of the visitor having to carry the token around, and the risk of misplacing the token. The proposed system aims at automating the above steps (partially or completely, depending on customer needs), and enable the deposition and collection of belongings with the swipe of a finger. We believe our product will go a long way in managing the facilities right for commercial spaces. Streamlined infrastructure facilities are the key to successful customer experiences, and set the tone for the rest of the visit, as well as future visits.

Business Unit ll – Umbrella Corp


Clofour is a platform aiming to close the gap between consumers and producers of consumer goods. The platform consists of a mobile application where consumers can quickly give their opinion on product designs, in exchange for rewards such as prizes, discount coupons and hard money. The consumer’s opinions are collected in the back-office in real-time, where marketeers can easily create reports and perform analysis to gain market intelligence. http://clofour.nl.
Everyone has to commute to their work. On average, a Dutch commuter spends about three quarters of an hour commuting every day. The majority of commuters travel by car: they also have to deal with crowded city roads and traffic jams which prolong the length of their commute. This is frustrating, because time spent commuting is often regarded as wasted time which cannot be used productively. No longer. COMMUTIVITY is an app that enables commuters, mainly those that travel by car, to increase their productivity during their commute. The app is tailored for safe, in-car use and guides the user through their to-do list, memos and calendar (among others) for the day to ensure that they are completely up to date and ready for work when they arrive to work. COMMUTIVITY is based on tried and tested methods, to ensure that time with the app is spent in the most optimal manner. COMMUTIVITY can also be used during the commute home to provide day closure and promote detachment from work when the user arrives back home. https://commutivity.nl.
For many companies waiting lines have a serious negative impact on their customer’s experience. In theme parks, visitors spend ages in the waiting line instead of being entertained. CROWDCONSOLE is the solution that makes queuing an enjoyable and collaborative experience for everyone. With CROWDCONSOLE you can simply join a game by using your smartphone to follow the URL displayed on the waterproof monitors that populate the waiting line. Using your smartphone as a game controller is a very recent development. Applying this technique to collaboratively play games in public locations is something that doesn’t exist yet. CROWDCONSOLE will be developed on various enabling technologies. Using strictly Google technologies will guarantee a stable and smoothly integrated back-bone. Components such as smartphones, chromebooks, Google Cloud Platform and Chrome Apps are used. CROWDCONSOLE can work in many possible industries including cinemas, theaters, train stations, concerts, shops. So why theme parks? Focusing on a niche market first where the waiting line problem is dominant will provide us with the best success stories. Additionally, theme parks are assumed to have enough resources to afford a fitting solution. http://crowdconsole.nl/.
MediText is an innovative new app that stimulates and facilitates quick and effective communication between medical specialists in a hospital setting. Combining easy access to relevant, up to date patient data and integrated live monitoring with an instant messaging feature linked to the patient’s digital records, MediText connects all physicians and caregivers within the various medical specialties who share responsibility for the treatment of a patient. Once installed on a mobile phone or tablet, MediText helps bridge the physical gap between doctors in different specialties, eliminating the need to search for a workstation or an internal phone to communicate. Its user-friendly interface makes MediText an easy and efficient tool that enables medical professionals to consult with colleagues or check on patients with minimal delay, helping them achieve a higher level of care through better internal communication.