Supervisory Board
Netherware has a Supervisory Board consisting of very experience ICT entrepreneurs, fund managers of venture capital, and ICT journalists. Half way the course the Supervisory Board comes for the mid-review commenting on the ideas and providing suggestions to improve the business concept. At the end of the course (after 10 weeks in Utrecht) the Supervisory Board judges the final products and business plans presented by the student teams in a grande finale. The best products and best performing students get awards during the End Review ceremonies.
Merien ten Houten
Geboren 10 november 1971 te Goes.
Woonachtig in Eindhoven sinds 1990
Afgestudeerd in Technische Bedrijfskunde aan de Hogeschool Eindhoven (nu Fontys) in 1996.
Oprichter en tot 2000 directeur van ilse media
binnen ilse media in 1999 initiatiefnemer en eerste hoofdredacteur
2002 tot 2004 gastdocent Technologie Geschiedenis aan de HKU Utrecht.
jurylid Rabobank Herman Wijffels Innovatieprijs
directielid en auteur
aandeelhouder en adviseur Bits on the Run
initiatiefnemer en directeur iphion BV
aandeelhouder en directeur Netwise Publications BV – sinds juni 2009 uitgever van

Marvin van Dongen
Marvin is a former student at the Utrecht University, where he finished in 2010. He founded Horeko in January 2005 and since then, Horeko has been providing hands-on soft- and hardware to assist hospitality companies.
What started as a simple need to simplify the calculation process at some hospitality companies, grew to Horeko as it is today, with partners such as Deli XL, Dijkgraaf-Reinders and Index Systems.

Rob van Weeghel
Rob is a former Business Informatics student at the Utrecht University, where he graduated in 2009. In this same year, he founded Dirict with Niels Radstake. For the development of the services of Dirict, he continues on his own thesis “Optimizing Corporate Strategy for Latin Notaries”.
Dirict produces software that supports notaries in their communication and relationship management. A well-known Dirict product is Digizeker, the notarial digital vault that aims to bring a solution to digital inheritance. Now he is the commercial director at Dirict. Next to Dirict, Rob is also active in helping companies defining a differentiated strategy by giving workshops.

Willem Spruijt
As a former student at Utrecht University, he co-founded Qash during the ICT-Entrepreneurship course of 2007. Qash was later renamed to Yunoo at the launch in 2009 and since then became the leading online tool in the Netherlands that gives insight in consumer finances.
At Yunoo, Willem is responsible for coding the application and designing the database as a back-end developer.
After two investment rounds and becoming website of the year in 2010, Yunoo was acquired by AFAS in the summer of 2011. Currently he is combining the development of new ideas with freelance projects.

Dennis van Velzen
Dennis is the director of product development at AFAS software since 2011. He started at AFAS as project manager test & quality in 1999. He now is responsible for the entire development process, which entails designers, developers, testers, usability lab, technical writers, content managers, movie team and CAO managers.
Next to his work at AFAS, he is also active at Sogeti as a member of the Innovation Board Software Control, and at Hogeschool Utrecht as a member of the Board of Supervisors.

Hadewich Hoekstra
Hadewich is a business developer at Ephorus, a plagiarism prevention company. She started as a Sales Manager at Ephorus, and her functions at Ephorus have since been: Managing Director, General Director to Business Developer since 2011.
Before Ephorus, Hadewich was a teacher at the Haagse Hogeschool.

Floris Vlasveld
Before founding Inspire, Floris founded the internet advisory company Eyos. Eyos assisted companies with the development and optimization of internet activities. Some of the clients of this former company are Mediq, TypeTopia, Bartiméus and Syntens. Their work for TypeTopia was awarded in 2009 with a third place in Computable’s Best Business Case Award.
In 2011 Floris was involved in Deloitte’s Emerging Solutions service line, where he worked on cloud computing and web application functional design for Canon Europe.
Inspire was founded in January 2012 by Floris, which can be described as an innovative software studio. They develop web-based applications for different platforms. Inspire is aiming at intensive collaboration to product the right results at the right time.
Floris also is a former Business Informatics student at the Utrecht University. He completed his master with a thesis on “E-Business Strategy Development” in 2009.