
Start-ups 2017
As of now, you can read all about this years start-ups in the ‘Start-ups 2017’ section of our website! Start-ups 2017
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End review awards
This year two awards have been made available by Van Heeswijk Notarissen N.V. for the ICT-Entrepreneurship End-Review. The team obtaining the first position, as decided by the Board of Supervisors, will get advice and the free establishment of a Besloten Vennootschap in the Netherlands. The team obtaining the second position will receive two hours of free advice from Van…
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Netherware Blog and Mailinglist
Please find a new blog and mailinglist for Netherware here. It’s hosted at posterous and can be posted to by students as well. Please subscribe.
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Quotes about Netherware
NetherWare is dé reden dat ik mijn opleiding heb afgemaakt, en nu ik betrokken ben bij een data-analyse startup komt mijn onderzoekskennis méér dan goed van pas. – Wilco van Duinkerken, Olery Netherware daagt studenten uit om voor ondernemerschap te kiezen, ook al is dat vanuit de Universiteit niet altijd de meest vanzelfsprekende route. Hierdoor wordt veel…
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Netherware Genomineerd voor de COMMIT Wetenschapsvalorisatieprijs 2012
De genomineerden voor de Nationale ICT~Awards 2012 zijn vandaag door de afzonderlijke jury’s bekendgemaakt. Kanshebbers voor de ICT~Office Innovatie Award zijn BVI Solutions, CleVR en Genalice. Netherware, SecurityMatters B.V. en Wageningen UR zijn genomineerd voor de COMMIT Wetenschapsvalorisatie Prijs. EvoSwitch, IBM en Ordina maken kans op de ICT~Milieu Award. De bekendmaking van de winnaars vindt…
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Spotmeister (2012) wins Audience Award at Sife Awards
Please check out the news at Utrecht Inc. Spotmeister is an App from Multicoen (see 2012 teams). It is not just any app, it is the Location Based Wordfeud game. Please also check out for release information.
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2011 Netherware Awards
The ICT Entrepreneurship Course for the year 2010-2011 marked its end with the end-review ceremony. The ceremony witnessed a display of some high business potential ideas in the field of ICT showcased by the various teams. A total of 13 teams participated in this year’s course. Each team was given 10 minutes to pitch their…
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Site2Mobile nominated by UtrechtInc!
The Site2Mobile start-up, part of the Mobilis Business Unit, is nominated by UtrechtInc! They have to give a 5-minute pitch at February 16 to convince the jury. The aim Site2Mobile is to provide services that can create native mobile applications and mobile web sites from regular websites, feeds and raw data (Xml, Json, Video, etc.)….
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IT entrepreneurship symposium
On wednesday, Januari 26th, Sticky organises a symposium on IT entrepeneurship. A few aspects of entrepeneurship in the IT market will pass on this day. A few examples are Yunoo (well-know in Utrecht), who will give a presentation on their company and a few Sticky alumni will also present how they manage their start-up company….
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ICT Entrepreneurship 2010-2011
Have you seen the movie “The Social Network?” Have you ever wondered how a billion dollar company like Facebook got started? Do you know how many millionaires started out with just a simple idea, a piece of paper or an outdated computer borrowed from their parents? If your answers to these questions above are no…
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