High 5 Business Solutions is a starting company found by Mr. J.H. Chok and Mr. R. Donselaar. The name high 5 Business Solutions got its name from its 5 core competences; Quality, User friendliness, Security
Performance and correct pricing for good service.
High 5 Business Solutions is a starting enterprise. Food@Noon is the first project of High 5 Business Solutions. It is a portal site which enables small – and medium size companies to order lunch. The portal concentrates only on the catering industry in the Netherlands.
Enable online lunch order to fax machine
Expense of the firm can be linked with their existing bookkeeping software
Caterers at Food@Noon can use the bookkeeping module as well for their online sales
Standardization of ordering form
Same high quality of service of all caterers
The key innovation of Food@Noon compared to other sites, is that the expense of the firm can be linked with their bookkeeping software. The other way around, caterers at Food@Noon can use the bookkeeping module as well for their online sales.
High 5 Business Solutions offers apart from lunch portal and online bookkeeping system also advice in the area of ERP implementation. This goes from off the shelf software package to customized package.